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Xam Sa Dëkk Kédougou

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  • Post category: Xamsadeuk

Eastern Senegal is a destination unknown to most Senegalese. To promote this destination, we went there as part of the show Xam Sa Dëkk.

More than 650 km from Dakar, Kedougou offers a natural landscape, you would even believe that we are outside the country except that we find the Wolof and numerous Fulani populations, Malinkes, Bassaris...

To make the journey easier for our hikers, we made a first stop at the Horizons bleus hotel in Tambacounda and in the early morning, we hit the road again. What majestic landscapes, between the Senegambia River, the Niokolokoba Park, the traditional gold miners, the cotton plantations and the monkeys along the road, the change of scenery is total!

In Kédougou, we went to discover the village of Iwol.
Located at an altitude of 500m, it is the capital of the Bedik country, the inhabitants of Iwol have preserved part of their animist rites. We found in the village, a church, a school and a population which lives mainly from agriculture. In the afternoon, we then went to Dindefelo, a discovery of the falls where the water was refreshing and swimming was authorized to the great pleasure of our adventurers.