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Xam Sa Dëkk Royal Horizons Baobab

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  • Post category: Xamsadeuk

In November, it is still hot. So we packed up for the Petite Côte, more precisely for the Royal Horizon Baobab.

At the end of the day, we arrived at this magnificent resort built next to the Somone community nature reserve.

On the terrace of a waterfront bedroom, we could enjoy a sunset reflecting on the Atlantic Ocean and the golden sand. Our stay lasted for a weekend where we enjoyed archery, morning sports activities in the swimming pool and delicious cocktails offered until late in the evening.

At mealtimes, we were served by hotel teams who were fully trained in barrier measures. Around the well-stocked buffets, there were chefs and waiters who placed generous portions on our plates.

Since it was the weekend, our evenings ended with a performance by the hotel ballet, a magical show that our adventurers loved.