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Xam Sa Dëkk Bandia

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  • Post category: Xamsadeuk

Previously called Africa Ranch, Bandia Ranch is a magnificent lodge located 1 hour from Dakar. It is an environmentally friendly setting where wild animals coexist: giraffes, lions, zebras, etc.

Our day trippers opted for the visit to the white lion cubs and the safari.
The experience is magical, since we had the opportunity to take the lion cubs in our arms (laughs) don't be afraid, they have been trained.
We then set off for the safari. Aboard 2 cars driven by experienced guides, we met lions, most of them 4 years old.

A very emotional moment when they boarded the vehicle and an iron gate was the only thing separating us from them.
The visit ended with a safari around the reserve where we were able to admire the majestic giraffes.